I come to you with only Karate, empty hands. I have no weapons, but should I be forced to defend myself, my principles or my honor, should it be a matter or life or death, or right or wrong, then here are my weapons, Karate, My empty hands.
Words from Shorin-Ryu Karate Association – The Soul of Karate

Thoughts from Sensei Gary
Martial Arts begins and ends with courtesy. It is practiced by virtuous Men and Women.
Avoid physical conflict if possible. If an aggressor wants personal belonging such as money, car keys, shopping bag; give these material items up. “What is important is that you survive the confrontation for your family’s sake”. Also, if there is a potential for conflict over a parking space or auto accident: Say “I am sorry” or “I don’t want any trouble.” Don’t engage unless forced to. But if conflict is unavoidable – then there are no rules in the street.
Karateka Spirit – To always seek improvement through committed effort.
Three areas for constant improvement – The three legged stool (Strength + Flexibility + Endurance)
Movement and Space are your ally.
Class Updates

Promotions – November 24th, 2018
Eric H. received his Brown Belt, Joe C. received his Black Belt in Shorin-Ryu, David B, Steve M, and Stuart N. received their Black Belts.

Escrima Training with Rick Ishikawa
8-9-2018 Today, we had the good fortune of having Rick Ishikawa present some basic Escrima and Knife training. Basic defense against a knife, armed with a stick. Knife block with counter #1 Block knife and counter - armed with a stick. Rick said one of the closest...

Visit from Ken Yamada – Practitioner of Wado Kai
Sensei Ken traveled from Berkley CA (Live Oak Park Karate) to train with Sensei Gary's class. Class time was set aside for Sensei Ken to demonstrate Katas: Pinan Shodan and Naihanchi Shodan. Sensei Ken stepped through the Katas and explained some components such as...

Class Photo – December 23rd, 2017

Class Photo – December 2nd, 2017

Class Photo – December 31st, 2016

Conversations with Karateka
Conflict Situations and how it affects Mind and Body - Conversations with Class Members The 4 Second Rule - To calm yourself - Inhale for 4 seconds and Exhale for 4 seconds Calming the Vagus Nerve - According to Wikipedia, The Vagus is the longest nerve of the...

Promotion – October 3rd, 2015

Visiting Karatekas from Hawaii – July 4th, 2015
Thank you John, Yuriko, and Lucas, for coming and training with us!
Kata Seminar – Sensei Gary Bunk
October 11, 2014, we were grateful for a visit from Sensei Gary Bunk Two Katas were studied for a session starting at 1:00 pm and ending at 4:30 pm. The 1st was Pinan Shodan and 2nd was Pinan Nidan. Focus of katas are specific to nerve strikes that cause the body to...
Come train with us! Please don’t hesitate to e-mail us at koyasan.karate@gmail.com (or use the contact form below) if you have any questions