Sensei Ken traveled from Berkley CA (Live Oak Park Karate) to train with Sensei Gary’s class. Class time was set aside for Sensei Ken to demonstrate Katas: Pinan Shodan and Naihanchi Shodan.

Sensei Ken stepped through the Katas and explained some components such as stances and applications.


Demonstation group – Pinan Shodan

The photos below demonstrates “Sen no Sen” response to an attack. The speed and body movement intercepts the attacker’s punch. Body; legs, hips, shoulder turn – with strike appear as one movement.

Pinan Shodan opening move


Wado Kai – Stances



Neko Ashi-dachi


Wado Kai – Stances in use


Pinan Shodan Performed by Sensei Ken


Demonstation Group – Naihanchi Shodan