October 11, 2014, we were grateful for a visit from Sensei Gary Bunk

Two Katas were studied for a session starting at 1:00 pm and ending at 4:30 pm.

The 1st was Pinan Shodan and 2nd was Pinan Nidan. Focus of katas are specific to nerve strikes that cause the body to react in a reflexive pattern. This sets up the opponent for the next movement in the kata.

In Pinan Nidan, escapes from two handed hold were demonstrated as a significant reason behind the movements as well as striking critical pressure points namely the blood vessels that is located slightly forward the temple area. One can located this area by placing a finger in the temple area to feel for the sensitive spot.

Three tenets of personal defense:

1. Situational Awareness – that voice in your head that senses something is not right, people in dress not appropriate for the climate (rain coat in warm weather, baggy clothes, people doing nothing, people asking strange questions, face tattoos. Statistically people ages 15 to 28 are the target range for violent behavior.

2. Your level of physical fitness – the fitter you are to better chance you have of avoiding serious injury.

3. Skill set you are effective with.

Other items in regards the personal defense:

  • · How many fights occur in age group 21 to 100? Probably none…

  • · If you are attacked, rarely is it one-to-one. More likely there are two or more opponents.

  • · Violence is something you have to acclimate to.

  • · Most predators are experienced. You must be able to think like a predator to prepare yourself with an adequate plan of action.

  • · Look for weapons available in the surroundings.

The Stress Response:

  • · Under stress most people make bad decisions.

  • · A good method to deal with stress is Controlled breathing: intake – hold 3 seconds and out 3 seconds. Then re-access your situation.

Miscellaneous Strikes, Blocks, or Strategies:

  • · Back slap of hand to jaw. Specific point was between jaw and chin. More details to follow.

  • · Work on effectiveness of your back hand – possible accuracy to vulnerable points on the head.

  • · Two hand block.

  • · You can walk away from an attack with your hands open.

  • · Shortest moves are best.

  • · Adapt your body to make the best of the martial art.

  • · The practice of martial arts can enhance other aspects of life.


· Static stretching as practiced by ballet dancers are very effective. Sensei Gary Bunk stretches every day.