Every Class starts with a series of warmup exercises like the ones listed below. We also may do additional exercises and drills throughout class, and end with a couple stretches and some final pushups.

Warm-up (1st half) – updated 6/18/2011

1. Begin class with respect. Bow together.

2. Neck Stretch – Forward, sides, and back – rotating.

3. Loosen Arms – Swing arms out and in parallel to ground at shoulder height.

4. Twist – Standing forward feet parallel – twist at waist to right then left gently.

5. Loosen Shoulders – Make circles with arms, reaching up (inhale) then (exhale) on down stroke.

6. Breathing exercise – in sitting position (Seiza), ankles tucked under with knees bent forward. Hands on hips. Focus on breath pushing out from “Tanden area” or belly pressing against the obi on exhale.

Seiza Position

Seiza position
7. Bend at the Waist – Hands on head bend forward touching elbows to knees. Straighten back-up bench backwards with hips forward.

8. Standing legs at shoulder width – try to touch left foot, then right foot.

9. Yoga pose #1 – Right knuckles on ground, left hand straight up, right leg straight with right leg supporting body weight. Switch to opposite position.

Yoga pose #1 in 2nd position (right)

Yoga pose #1 in 2nd position (right)

10. Knee circles – with feet side-by-side hand on knees, circle clockwise 10 revolutions, then reverse for 10 revolutions.

11. Reach for the Sky – Both hands reach high as possible, then lean left, then lean right.

12. Jumping Jacks – 2 minutes

13. Yoga pose #2 – Warrior pose, hands on hips left forward with knee bend no more than right angle. Switch to right forward.

Yoga pose #2 Warrior


14. Side Kick stretch – Left leg straight, toes back towards body, right leg bent arch left arm toward right side. then, switch to other leg.

Side Kick stretch


15. Foot pointed up stretch – with left leg straight with toes pointed up stretch again. Then switch to other leg.

16. 45 leg stretch – left leg straight, point body towards middle grabbing ankles with hands left hand to left foot. etc.

17. Yoga pose #3a (Pigeon) – kneeling with left leg bent at 45 under body. Right leg straight back with toes pointed straight back. Hand under shoulder push body up with chin pointing up. Yoga #3b – move hands forward as far as you can reach keeping elbows off the ground. Switch to opposite Yoga position #3a and #3b other leg.


Yoga Pose 3a – Upright Pigeon

Yoga Pose 3b – pigeon


18. Hurdler’s Stretch – Left leg straight out, Right leg bent with right foot touching left inside knee. Left hand grabbing left foot.

Hurdler’s Stretch


19. Splits – legs spread at close to 180 degrees. Stretch with hands towards left and right legs. Bend body forward with goal to touch head to ground. 2nd part move each legs closer towards 180 degrees and re-stretch.

Splits Stretch 1

Splits Stretch 2


20. Both soles of feet touching – stretch forward, press knees toward ground. 2nd part move feet forward a few inches, then stretch forward again with chin going pass feet.

Bound Angle Pose

21. Trunk twist – while sitting, legs straight out in front, place right leg over left knee bent. Then twist body towards right. Switch to opposite position.

Trunk Twist

22. Yoga pose #4 – Child’s pose – toes pointed toward each other knees bent, hands together pushing on ground.

Child’s Pose

23. Push-ups – 30 knuckle push-up on first two knuckles. Legs Straight (Students alternate sets of 10 requested by Sensei).

Update: 11/3/2021 – Shuto 30 / Fists 30/ Fingers 30/ Hands together 30 = 120

later… Plank style – 40, Plank 20 seconds, 10, Plank 20 seconds, 10, Plank 20 seconds, 10 = 70

later … Plank Style – 40, Plank 20 seconds, 10, Plank 20 seconds, 10, Planks seconds, Plank 10 seconds, drop down 10 seconds = 60. Total for the session 250.

Knuckles for Pushups

24. Shovel push-ups / Shu-to – 10 reps. Legs at vee-shape.

25. Four Finger push-ups – 10 reps.

Finger Pushups

26. Three Finger push-ups – 10 reps.

27. Two Finger push-ups – 10 reps.

28. Close hand push-ups (thumb index finger touching) – 10 reps.

29. Sit-ups – Bicycle 20 reps

30. Sit-ups – Four count (1. crunch up, 2. right elbow rotate towards left knee, 3.left elbow rotate toward right knee, 4. crunch up). 10 reps by Sensei count.

31. Side crunches / Stack the legs to the right. Knee bent towards right, crunch up 20 reps. Switch 20 reps.

32. Legs straight out – crunch up 20 reps.

33. Side leg-ups – Laying over on right side – lift legs up 20 reps. Switch 20 reps. Or Side Plank – lean on right elbow, straight body while extending opposite arm straight up toward ceiling. Switch to left.

34. Leg lifts – Leg straight out, 20 reps.

35. Back exercises – a). Lay on back, bring left leg to chest hold, b). grab left knee allow leg to lean out toward left while keeping knee off ground, c). bring left leg across body toward right side while turning head to the left. Switch to right leg and repeat a,b, & c. Then bring both knees towards chest and hold.

Hamstring Stretch

Hip Opener

Hip Twist


36. Roll over on stomach. With legs straight out, push up with hands and chin high toward ceiling – hold for Sensei. 3 reps.

Upward Dog

37. Lumbar-ups – back of hands on forehead, lift head up leaving legs and lower body on ground. 10 reps, hold last count for Sensei.

Back Extensions – Lumbar ups

38. Porpoise-ups – hands to sides, lift legs and hand up 10 reps, hold last count for Sensei.

39. Yoga pose #4 – child’s pose.

40. Break for water.

Second half – exercise vary.

(under construction)

  • Shoulder kicks, Right 10 reps & Left 10 reps.

Shoulder Kicks

  • Straight leg kicks, Right 10 reps & Left 10 reps.

  • Crescent kicks – outside/in, Right 10 reps & Left 10 reps.

  • Crescent kinks – inside/out, Right 10 reps & Left 10 reps.

  • Straight leg right kicks – angle out towards right – Right 10 reps & Left 10 reps.

  • Straight leg left kicks – angle out towards left – Right 10 reps & Left 10 reps.

  • Side swing kicks – using “Yoko geri” kick, swing right leg out to right then left. 10 reps. each leg.

  • Squats – holding hand up, 30 reps.

  • Shovel push-ups 30 reps.

  • Stretch splits – Left then Right

Side Splits

  • Close hand push-ups 30 reps.

Block/Strike/Kick/Tactics workouts – exercises vary.

(under construction)

Alternate Exercise – Occasionally the Sensei adds an excercise. Listed below are additional exercises:

    • Cleansing Breath – Hand starting at the “Tanden” area (middle section). Inhale as the cupped hands rise above the head and exhale as the hand desend to the “Tanden” of stomach area.

Cleansing Breath

Cool down

  • Stretch on your own – about 3 minutes.

  • Yoga pose #5 – Downward facing dog. 1st on balls of the feet. 2nd on heels.

Downward Dog

  • Yoga pose #6 – Lunge position. Left leg forward to chest, right leg back. Hands push shoulders up and head pointing up to the sky. Switch to Right leg.


  • Push-ups – 30 knuckle push-ups.

  • Plank – 1st, arms straight – hold for Sensei, 2nd arms bend – hold for Sensei

Knuckle Plank

    • Class Ends with respect. Line-up, bow together.


Come train with us! Please don’t hesitate to e-mail us at koyasan.karate@gmail.com (or use the contact form below) if you have any questions

Contact Koyasan Karate

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