Pinan Shodan – Steps by David Baldridge – 1-18-22

Kiotsuke – heels together, feet pointed out at 30-45 degrees. good posture, with butt and chest out, with shoulders back. Neck straight and chin slightly tucked in, with eyes set at about shoulder level. Hands come to active rest on each side.

Rei – bow keeping your upper body posture, chin tucked, bend at the waist, letting your butt move backward to counterbalance your upper body. Elbows can bend to keep hands at the same place. Don’t rush the ojigi, hold it for a few seconds then return to standing posture.

Pinan Shodan, Yoi – hands in fists cross in front then pull to the sides, maybe 4 or 5-sun from hips. Keep good posture

For Counts 1-3 – keep your body squared forward. This is basic sideways movement while maintaining forward-facing posture. More of this comes later, in Naihanchi.

Kiotsuke – hands back to sides

Rei – bow as before. Wait a few seconds before relaxing or Taisho (退所) and stepping back/turning with the right foot to leave.

Visiting Karatekas – Katas Pinan Shodan and Pinan Nidan

We had the pleasure of practicing Karatekas from the State of Hawaii in July of 2015. The Henson family performed Katas.

Pinan Shodan – July 2015