About Us
The temple has resumed in-person services, which will still also be broadcast via Zoom
Welcome Message
Welcome to the Northern California Koyasan Temple (Keigenji) where you can study Shingon esoteric Buddhism. Shingon is a form of Japanese Esoteric Buddhism, it is also called Shingon Mikkyo. This school was founded in 804 AD by Kukai (Kobo Daishi) in Japan. The teachings of Shingon are based on the Mahavairocana Sutra and the Vajrasekhara Sutra, the fundamental sutras of Shingon. Through the cultivation of three secrets, the actions of body, speech and mind, we are able to attain enlightenment in this very body. When we can sustain this state of mind, we can become one with the life force of the Universe, known as Mahavairocana Buddha. The symbolic activities are present anywhere in the universe. Natural phenomena such as mountains and oceans and even humans express the truth described in the sutras.

Meditation Sessions
The third or fourth Saturday of every month, starting at 2:00 p.m. in the Temple’s sanctuary. See calendar for exact dates.

Odori Dance
The temple holds an annual Obon Odori dance following the Aoba Matsuri Service. Practice sessions are held for anyone who wishes to participate; both men and women are invited.

Koyasan Spirit of Children Taiko Group Instructor Kaori Kubota-Sakauye teaches both both children (minimum age is seven years old) and adults the art of Japanese Taiko Drumming. Classes are held on Thursdays and Fridays in the Temple Social Hall.
(916) 444-0111

Instructor Gary Matsumoto teaches the Okinawan Shorin Ryu style of karate. Classes are held every Saturday from 10:00 am to noon. While he accepts students of all ages, he recommends that the minimum age for a student be six years old.
(916) 444-0111

Toro Nagashi Lantern Workshop
Since 2015, the Temple had held an annual Toro Nagashi Lantern Workshop in July. Hatsubon families are encouraged to attend, but anyone may attend to make hand-painted lantern shades that will be used in the annual Toro Nagashi Rituals held at William Land Park.
Rev. Myoko Shigemitsu-Coy
1994 First attended N.C. Koyasan Temple in Sacramento
2006 Practiced Shido Kegyo with Bishop Asahi in Los Angeles
2007 Became licensed Minister at Mt. Koya, Wakayama, Japan.
2008 Assistant minister here until 2015
2024 Appointed as Head Minister at N.C. Koyasan Temple
Please don't hesitate to call or e-mail us if you have any questions